Some Background
Hi, I'm Paisley!
I've been a practicing Intuitive Witch and walking the Pagan Path for a number of years.
Remember, your Path is your own.
I've been on the air, in various places, for a couple of years. YouTube, as many of you know hasn't been consistently friendly to those who do not fall within a set of certain guidelines. For the most part, I've not had many issues toeing this line. However, this may not always be the case. For those episodes in the past, I still have them and am not quite sure what to do wit them
The Spaces Between
A couple years ago, I made a commitment to share my Path using an online radio platform. I did so up until I became ill with covid and had to take some time off to recover. During my recovery time, a lot changed in our world - both online and in real life.
The tagline that I started with: "Truth in life is rarely in the extremes... instead, it is found in the spaces between." is as much true today as it was then. Possibly even more so. As a result, I am talking about my Path in a new way, using new tools. Substack is one. Please be patient with me as I iron out the bugs and dust the cobwebs out of my headphones.
The Spaces Between is still home to the real TRUTHS in life. Yes, we can survive in the extremes, but it is hard to find peace, joy, love, happiness, family, etc. when you are in a state of survival that is found there.
Please join me and learn more about my Path... and the spaces between.